Partonomy list P4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

tractus ascendentes originis rhombencephali caudalis (par)

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Top level systema nervosum centrale Short Extended
Level 2 tractus systematis nervosi centralis (par) Short Extended
Level 3 tractus originis rhombencephali caudalis (par) Short Extended
Current level tractus ascendentes originis rhombencephali caudalis (par)
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
8452 tax
tractus ascendentes originis rhombencephali caudalis (par)
ascending tracts of origin in caudal rhombencephalon (pair)
83675 12527 tax
lemniscus medialis (par)
medial lemniscus (pair)
83675 5883 tax
pars thalamica (par)
thalamic part (pair)
5608 tax
pars mesencephalica (par)
mesencephalic part (pair)
5298 tax
pars rhombencephalica rostralis lemnisci medialis (par)
rhombencephalic rostral part of medial lemniscus (pair)
14237 tax
pars rhombencephalica caudalis (par)
rhombencephalic caudal part (pair)
5296 tax
fibrae arcuatae internae (par)
internal arcuate fibres (pair)
72622 5297 tax
decussatio lemnisci medialis (par) ; decussatio sensoria (par)
decussation of medial lemniscus (pair) ; sensory decussation (pair)
8453 tax
tractus trigeminothalamici rhombencephali caudalis (par)
trigeminothalamic tracts of caudal rhombencephalon (pair)
8454 tax
tractus trigeminothalamicus anterior (par) ; tractus trigeminothalamicus ventralis (par) ; lemniscus trigeminalis (par)
anterior trigeminothalamic tract (pair) ; ventral trigeminothalamic tract (pair) ; trigeminal lemniscus (pair)
8455 tax
tractus trigeminothalamicus lateralis (par)
lateral trigeminothalamic tract (pair)
12058 tax
tractus cuneocerebellaris (par)
cuneocerebellar tract (pair)
5320 tax
fibrae cuneocerebellares (par)
cuneocerebellar fibres (pair)
5308 tax
fibrae arcuatae externae posteriores (par) ; fibrae arcuatae externae dorsales (par)
posterior external arcuate fibres (pair) ; dorsal external arcuate fibres (pair)
5275 tax
fibrae arcuatae externae anteriores (par) ; fibrae arcuatae externae ventrales (par)
anterior external arcuate fibres (pair) ; ventral external arcuate fibres (pair)
8456 tax
fibrae trigeminocerebellares (par)
trigeminocerebellar fibres (pair)
72638 5305 tax
tractus olivocerebellaris (par)
olivocerebellar tract (pair)
8457 tax
fibrae nucleocerebellares (par)
nucleocerebellar fibres (pair)
8458 tax
fibrae raphecerebellares (par)
raphecerebellar fibres (pair)
8459 tax
fibrae vestibulocerebellares (par)
vestibulocerebellar fibres (pair)
8460 tax
fibrae vestibulocerebellares secundariae (par)
secondary vestibulocerebellar fibres (pair)
8461 tax
fibrae gustatoriae ascendentes (par)
ascending gustatory fibres (pair)
22 lines
45.5 %
45.5 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
(Tractus trigeminothalamici): The Tractus trigeminothalamicus anterior arises in the Spinal trigeminal nucleus and joins the Medial lemniscus, whereas the Tractus trigeminothalamicus lateralis arises in the Caudal part of the Spinal trigeminal nucleus and joins the Anterolateral tract.
See note # 8426
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 8452
Number of children 65 (validated)
Number of units 22 (validated)
Invalid signature 4437 (stored value 3850)
Date: 24.03.2025